Saarland State Theatre

Exterior of the Saarland State Theatre in Saarbrücken I © Marco Kany

Project duration

2012 - 2013


Saarbrücken, Germany




Stage machinery, control system, customer service

The stage machinery – in part dating back to the 1930s – of the Saarland State Theatre in Saarbrücken was replaced in the period from April to November 2013.

The old machinery, including the hydraulic drive system, was dismantled and replaced by a complete overstage machinery (with over 80 drive axles) as well as an understage machinery encompassing four stage podiums, five sidestage trolley systems and a revolving carriage. Our COSTACOwin® control system was installed to provide a user-friendly and secure operation of the stage machinery. A total of approx. 200 tons of steel was dismantled and 500 tons newly installed.

In addition to the short realisation period, the greatest challenge was the complicated site logistics, the limited storage space and the building work taking place above and below the stage simultaneously. The reopening of the theatre was celebrated on 24th November 2013 with the premiere of Tosca.

Fly bars I © Marco Kany
Inside the double-deck podium with Spiralift I © SBS Bühnentechnik
Revolving carriage at the rear of the stage and the stage floor I © SBS Bühnentechnik
Assembly of the stage floor I © Marco Kany
View from the gallery I © Marco Kany
Inclined stage, realised by the tilting decks of the double-deck podiums I © SBS Bühnentechnik


Download the detailed reference brochure with all technical data as pdf-file.

SBS Bühnentechnik, Bosewitzer Str. 20, 01259 Dresden
Phone: +49 (0) 351 2041-200