SBS Bühnentechnik
On stage you work with the very best. Do the same offstage.
Since 1874, our tried-and-tested stage technology has been used day after day at the world’s great stages. With more than 140 years of reliable and successful services to venues both large and small, we have expanded our operations from Dresden to all corners of the globe.
SBS Bühnentechnik offers a complete package of technical solutions for cultural institutions and venues. We develop and build stage machinery that ideally meets your individual requirements.

More power behind every project.
We are at your side through all the various stages of your project. As an engineering company, we aim to build systems that are delivered up and running. Large projects lasting up to five years and contracts worth up to €20 million are our daily bread and butter. SBS Bühnentechnik has the technical expertise, capacity and dedicated workforce to realise your project exactly as you envision it.
The only limit to our technology is your imagination.
We bring your ideas to life! Our portfolio of successfully completed projects and technical solutions are an ideal base upon which to develop new ideas and optimise existing designs. Our employees apply all their expertise, experience and creativity to meet the needs of venue operators, site planners, architects and investors.
These venues all rely on our technology.
Cultural institutions like theatres, opera houses or art centres are more than just buildings. They symbolise history and self-confidence, hope and ambition. They are places to meet and gain new experiences. As each project is unique, we have to understand its particular needs.
We are proud of our work: Across continents and cultures, we have succeeded in equipping renowned venues with our knowledge and technology.